
Marion Förster

1964  geboren in Pegnitz

2006-2011  Studium der Bildenden Kunst an der Akademie Faber-Castell

2011-2014  Meisterklasse Bildende Kunst an der Akademie Faber-Castell



2011  Alte Mine, Akademie Faber-Castell, Nürnberg I Fazit (G)

2014  Alte Mine, Akademie Faber-Castell, Nürnberg I Kunstzone (G)

2016  QF Quartier an der Frauenkirche, Dresden (E)

2017  Art Salzburg Contemporary & Antiques International, Salzburg I visaturé (E)

2018  Museum St. Johann, St.Johann/Tirol I visaturé (G)

2018  A&D Gallery, London I visaturé (G)

2018  Villa Palagione, Volterra I Projektarbeit in situ (G)

2018  Wohn+Design-Forum, Nürnberg I visaturé (E)

2019  Wohn+Design-Forum, Nürnberg I visaturé (E)

2019  Arte Borgo Gallery, Rom I visaturé (G)

2020  Galerie Foerstermühle, Fürth I Kryptoportraits (E)

2021  Galerie Foerstermühle, Fürth I Kryptoportraits (E)

2022  Galerie Foerstermühle, Fürth l Kryptoportraits (E)

2022  Brooklyn Art Library, New York I The Sketchbook Projekt (G)

2022  Tilly Studios, Nürnberg I zu Gast bei Ruth Bergmann I visaturé (G)

2023  Palazzo Della Cancelleria, Rom I Contemporary Icons (G)

2023  Tempio Di Pomona, Salerno I Soliloquio (G)

2023  Arte Borgo Gallery, Rom I Enigmi (G)

Marion Förster

Foto: Uwe Niklas

„With her Kryptoportraits, Marion Förster (1964, Pegnitz, studies in Fine Arts) treads new paths of the portrait. Beyond mimetic likeness, her subtle explorations of the individual oscillate between writing and image, between drawing and painting, between revealing and concealing.
In times of inflationary dissemination of faces via digital information systems, the artist consciously cultivates a slow and very concentrated work process. In this way, she achieves counteracting an impersonality and irrelevance that is proceeding in society“.
Dr. H. Tesan

„Con i suoi Kryptoportraits, Marion Förster (1964, Pegnitz, studi dell’arte figurativa) percorre nuovi sentieri del ritratto. Al di lä della somiglianza mimetica, le sue sottili esplorazioni dell’individuo oscillano tra scrittura e immagine, tra disegno e pittura, tra rivelazione e occultamento.
In tempi di diffusione inflazionistica dei volti attraverso i sistemi informativi digitali, l’artista coltiva consapevolmente un processo di lavoro lento e molto concentrato. In questo modo, riesce a contrastare l’impersonalitä e l’irrilevanza che procedere nella societäa“.
Dr. H. Tesan